Monday, 2 September 2013

PC Medic - Penicillin for your PC

Onto our final step as we finish off out 3 part guide on virus and other nasties on your PC...

Now, after you have finished clearing malware and spyware off your PC, you can install a good virus scanner to make sure you stay protected. If you haven't cleared spyware and malware yet, follow these guides...

All done? good! Now before you wonder the costs of a virus scanner the following link will let you download Avast Anti-Virus for free! (

People often think that because it's free it's no good but it actually got rated higher than a lot of its paid counterparts which I can't name here due to advertising reasons. Now simply install Avast and you're done.

Avast is great because it automatically updates, runs silent and picks up most viruses others don't. You can run a manual scan if you like, no need to go to safe mode for Avast like the others, just scan away.

*Please note that while all of these programs are fantastic, you will still be able to get viruses due to the internet and dodgy files. Run regular scans to make sure your computer is clean and be smart on the internet.

Have you got a broken PC or a burning PC question you need to ask? Let me know on our Facebook and we will do our best to help you out! Remember, it's free to ask and we might save you alot of money in the long run!

Until next time soldiers!

-Sarge out!

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