Thursday, 14 November 2013

Gaming Fit - The tools of the trade

SO to get fit while gaming I knew I needed some hardware. Thankfully, Nintendo are offering a free copy of Wii Fit U under the condition you have a balance board already and purchase a Wii Fit U meter which is essentially a pedometer that uploads your daily steps to the Wii U console. I then "borrowed my wife's Xbox with Kinect for her Zumba and fitness games. But I knew hardware wasn't just going to cut it, so I contacted "Being this Girl*" for some app advice.

Zumba, Not for the feint at heart!

Despite not actually being a girl, the team at "Being this Girl" were more than happy to help. "Being this Girl is a Facebok page dedicated to helping people lose weight by helping people out with fitness and food ideas, as well as sharing their own weight loss journey.

The team suggested I should use a program called "My Fitness Pal" which is available on all phone platforms, and offers intricately detailed calorie counting. While taking a bite out of my Big Mac, I downloaded the software and was surprised to know just how much calories go into certain foods. My Fitness Pal is essential to track your daily nutrition and exercise needs and even if you don't have a fitness game for your console, this app alone will do fine.

The most important app in weight loss...

Another team member added in a suggestion for motivation. "Why not download an app called Zombies! Run!?" So I did. Apart from constantly needing to change my underwear every run now, I have the added motivation of an imaginary horde of zombies chasing me. You see, Zombies! Run! plays audio through your phone while tracking the distance you run. The more you run, the more you can upgrade your home base, unlocking more running missions.

So all loaded up with apps and motivation, I said goodbye to the team at Being This Girl and said hello to the first day of the new me...

*You don't actually have to be a girl to follow the team at Being this Girl! Simply click the link below to like and follow their great stories of helping people become happier and healthier versions of themselves. I find the site great for motivation and seeing the transformations of the people doing the body challenges is great! Keep up the good work girls!

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