Tuesday, 19 February 2013

A Report from the Field: Battlefield 3

We interupt our regular articles to bring you a breaking story. War has broken out between two factions and once again we return to Battlefield 3. We now cross over to our reporter on the ground for further updates.

Thank you Sarge. I'm standing here next to a checkpoint at the Caspian border where not long ago a new server started and war broke out. Fighting has been intense with both factions taking heavy casualties. This highway once had cars passing through on holiday visits, now heavily armored tanks roll through this checkpoint. The source of this conflict remains a mystery, all we can say is that both factions seem to be fighting over a few flagpoles in this region, 4 to be exact, and why they fight to the death over "flagging rights" is puzzling. We are going to head over to the area known only as "Flag C" to see if we can make some sense of this conflict.

We have finally made it to Flag C and the scene is not pretty. Once, this small hill housed a service station, now it is rubble. I spot a lone soldier lying prone in the grass and decide to approach him.
"Excuse me soldier, can you tell us what you are fighting for?" I ask.
"STFU N00bfag you will give away my position!" Is all he replies. Our interview is cut short by a helicopter buzzing overhead. The soldier runs away. Several troops of the opposing faction drop down and start raising a flag, ignoring the retreating soldier. We decide to head for cover.

We manage to make it to the safety of another small gas station where an AC-130 hovers menicingly in the sky. It's cannons rain fire down on troops while para-dropping down to capture more flags. The scene is utter chaos. At one point we spotted an enemy soldier trying to kill a tank with a welding torch. Madness. It looks like the Russians will win this battle which leaves an uncertain fate for the Caspian border. All we know is that both forces will be moving the conflict to the snowy mountains of Admand Peak next map rotation where hopefully this conflict will be resolved...

So no doubt many of you had Battlefield 3 and have played it to death so is it worth returning to? Yes. EA have released several expansion packs which have added more ways to dominate the Battlefield.

Back to Karkand - Touted as a return to the days of Battlefield 2, Karkand sees the return of the best maps from the previous entry in the Battlefield series. There are new weapons and vehicles included for free and Premium members have new skins and challenged to unlock.

Close Quarters - Essentially gives a more Call of Duty experience to BF3. Small maps feature highly destructable elements and new weapons are a blast. New game modes are well implemented although C4 is abused in small time flag captures.

Armored Kill - A great example of an expansion pack done right. Armored Kill adds huge new maps which focus on temawork and capturing strategic points. No longer do you head for any flag, first you capture the air support flag to add an AC-130 mobile spawn point and rain hell from above. Vehicle combat and controls are refined to deliver armored warfare to your living room.

Aftermath - Play through maps that show the aftermath of a deadly earthquake. New weapons like the crossbow add new gameplay elements. Guerilla warfare is the focus of play in this great add-on.

So What's it Like?
Best described as Call of Duty + Vehicle warfare + Teamwork = Battlefield 3.

Back in the day I would have given it 8/10
Today its even better with several new features and balancing 9/10

Countdown to the next match has begun gamers... GEAR UP!


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