*This review covers all formats*
Tekken. If you have never heard of it then you probably found this site by accident. If you're a gamer you will know that it is one of the most popular fighting franchises in video gaming history, but does that make it the best? Read on...
Tekken Tag 2 is all about the "King of Iron Fist Tournament." Fighters from around the world duke it out to be crowned champion of the tournament. The story doesn't really matter however as it has been the same for the past 7 main installments, what really matters is the gameplay.
TT2 features some slick fighting at a constant frame-rate. This version of Tekken features a refined fighting engine allowing players to string together combos and pull of some tricky moves with relative ease. Not that the game is easy though. Difficulty ramps up as your characters rank up in ghost battle which is a continuous fighting mode similar to the arcades and the final boss will give you a run for your money. There are several customisation options for your characters which can be unlocked or purchased by spending coins you have earned fighting. Some of these costumes verge on bizarre however and most players will find themselves sticking to default costumes to avoid embarassment playing online.
The graphics engine is slick and smooth featuring high definition models and backgrounds which can also be destroyed by smashing your opponents through the barriers of the level. Some levels are so detailed they can detract from the action but I think this is a compliment rather than a fault to mark the game down with. The fighters are varied (for the most of the time) and interesting and I have found myself branching out from my usual characters to try some new fighting styles.
Sound is a little bit of a let down mainly because of the music. It's the usual dub-step heavy rock affair but I would have loved to hear more of a focus on themed music for the levels. That being said, the finishing movie scenes are amusing to watch and feature high production values.
The Wii U Difference
Why yes that is Mario punching a ball into Koopers face
The main differences on the Wii U version are as follows...
Interesting Character costume crossovers allow you to play dressed as Starfox, Link and more.
Off screen play is supported and handy when your wife watches "The Notebook"
Tekken Ball (pictured above) is an exclusive feature.
Mushrooms battles are amusing.
All DLC characters and costumes included for free!
Playing on the Wii U gamepad is clunky.
Limited pool of online players.
If you haven't already played Tekken Tag 2 and have a Wii U, then grab it on this format, be warned though, the price on the PS3 and 360 will be cheaper (I haven't factored in DLC costs.)
So What's It Like?
Hmmm, comsidering costume choices and characters I would say
Old school Tekken + Street Fighter (Combos) + Coomera fashion sense = Tekken Tag 2
I give it 8/10
Well I'm off to get my face punched in by a panda bear!
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