Thursday, 21 February 2013

Medal of Honor Cancelled

Dishonourable Discharge?

This is an outrage! The Medal of Honor series had been cancelled indefinitly due to poor sales. Upon hearing this news I have decided to grow a Tier 1 beard in protest. After realising it would take about 3 years for me to grow a beard I have decided to write an open letter to EA Australia to get the Sarge's point across.

To Whom it may concern,

My name is Joshua and I wish to protest Medal of Honor's cancellation. The previous 2 Medal of Honor games were good, just not great. Medal of Honor 2010 featured an excellent single player and an ok multiplayer. I loved the transition to modern combat and your characters were fleshed out and not 2 dimentional gun toting dickheads. Warfighter was a good game too. The only issue I had was I felt you had great original ideas such as the car chase sections but they were overshadowed by the Call of Duty mentality of huge explosions and gameplay on rails.

You see I feel you just gave up on trying to beat Call of Duty and decided to join them. You know who else gave up trying to beat the bad guys? The French. Look how that worked out for them. I like the realism approach to the series, but this shouldn't be a selling point. I also felt like you marketed Warfighter as a Battlefield 4 beta. I have played Medal of Honor the entire series across all formats and it has been a great adventure until the last few levels of Medal of Honor Airborne where we had a flak tower the size of the Empire State and the immersive realism was dropped.

As you can probably tell, I'm a huge fan of Medal of Honor. I even got the Warfighter pack with a shirt that doesn't fit because it's designed to fit the body of a 14 year old girl. Medal of Honor is why I love FPS and Call of Duty is just the same crap over again. Recently I played Black Ops 2 and actually thought I purchased some expensive DLC rather than a new game. Don't emulate these guys. EA Games always pushes the envelope when it comes to game design and new IP's, but most importantly they keep refreshing game series when it comes to sequels which make games a genuine pleasure to play. 

So what would Dusty do if he was knocked down? I'm pretty sure he would get up, brush off his tier 1 beard and get back to kicking some ass. Maybe Medal of Honor needs to go back to WWII? Maybe we need a stronger campaign? I don't know what the new series needs, but I do know gamers need Medal of Honor.

So EA, I challenge you to pick yourself up, dust off your beard, and start making the Medal of Honor game we all deserve.


So there you have it readers. I will update you if I hear back from the EA games crew. In the meantime why not head over to Facebook and tell us what you would like to see in a new Medal of Honor game?

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