Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Wreck-it-Ralph Film Review

"I'm gonna wreck it!"
What does it mean to belong? This is the theme of Disney's "Wreck it Ralph." Ralph is a video game bad guy who isn't really a bad guy but just someone looking for a little recognition. The movie is a tribute to video games littered with easter eggs and cameos from the most famous game mascots of all time. So is this movie just a fan service to gamers? Read on...

cameos are a great addition to the film

So I won't give away the important stuff but the story goes a little something like this. Ralph is a bad guy in his game. He's proud of the job he does but is tired of not being recognised for his accomplishments. On the 30th anniversary of his game, Ralph witnesses the hero of the game "Fix it Felix Jr." recieve a medal and an honourary cake for his achievements. Ralph decides that the only way he will be accepted is if he earns a medal and jumps games to "Heroes Duty" a Call of Duty and Halo type shooter. During his time here he unknowingly sets an alien infestation loose throughout the arcade. Fix It Felix teams up with Heroes Duty star Sgt. Calhoun (who is programmed with a tragic back story) to chase down Ralph and right the wrongs.
Jane Lynch from glee delivers a great perfomance
The films theme of belonging is excellently portrayed as Ralph runs into a game glitch called "Venelope" (Sarah Silverman) who is shunned by other racers in her game "Candy Rush" a Mario Kart clone. As the movie progresses, Vanelope grows on Ralph and his desire to belong plays second to loking after Venelope to help her enter a race since other characters don't want to catch her "Glitch."
The film is beautifully animated with characters moving how they would in games and the cameos are expertly handled. The voice acting is superb and delivers by an all star cast who you easily believe are the characters they portray. The story is heartwarming and a genuinley funny affair with a lot of in house jokes and refrences to classic games. Disney has hit the mark with a movie that kids and adults alike can enjoy using clever refrences for adults and lovable characters for kids.
It's rare for a movie to make you smile when you leave the cinema, but Disney has crafted an amazing world to get lost in and characters to love. Well done Disney.
So What's It Like?
I would say this... Toy Story + Video Games + Nostalgia = Wreck It Ralph.
I give it 9/10

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