Thursday, 21 February 2013

Monster Hunter Preview

Here at What's it Like, we managed to get our hands on an early play test of Capcom's Minster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Here's our thoughts...

Firstly, you should know that both games are identical therefor the demos are identical.

Ok so the game is shaping up very nicely. The demos feature two missions, an easy and a hard one. What it should really be is a hard one and a harder one. That's the beauty of Monster Hunter, it's difficulty is the most rewarding aspect of the game. Most boss fights can last over 30 minutes and there's no better reward then seeing your enemy fall. The demo is no different, with the easy mission clocking in at a 15 minute fight and the hard one... Well to be honest I can beat it just yet!

I won't detail all the features of the game as the demo focuses only on combat. Features such as the town hub, crafting and looting enemies are not in the demo and I won't speculate on these features until I play them.

The Wii U - So the Wii U's strength lies in its controls. The Wii U game pad and pro controller handle the combat and camera very well making the game a little easier than its 3DS counterpart. The game looks good in crisp high definition although the textures look a little bland. The worlds are immersive and interesting to look at, while the monsters look ferocious and cunning.

The 3DS: The 3DS had some of the best graphics I have seen on the console. The world is fleshed out and pulls you in at a constantly smooth frame rate. The only fault I can find is with its controls. From the start, the game says no circle pad compatibility is supported and this is where the game suffers. It's not a game breaker but a small annoyance when not only are you fighting a monster, you also have to fight the camera. This is relieved with a handy camera snap button but in the thick of the fight, can be a struggle.

I have to say I'm very impressed with Capcom's latest outing in the Monster Hunter series. It's only a month to go until we see the final product so stay tuned for our review!


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