This is just a quick, light hearted one...
Today in the United States a child and his grandmother were flying down the highway at a smooth 60mph. Suddenly she passed out and her car was sent into oncoming traffic. Her 8 year old grandson grabbed the wheel and not only successfully avoided hitting any traffic, but piloted the vehicle to the safety of the side of the road. When asked how he knew what to do he simply said "I play a lot of Mario kart!" We cannot confirm reports of whether he red shelled other drivers...
This however pales in comparison to another 8 year old who we can only assume has an overload of testosterone as he jumped in front of a rampaging moose to save his sister. So how did this small child best the beast? In his own words he used "World of Warcraft hunter skills" by gaining "aggro" (attention) of the moose, once it was distracted, he "feigned death" (a hunter tactic) to lose the moose's attention.
So next time you walk past your gaming console, whisper a thank you. Who knows? It may save your life one day.
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