Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Scumbag Gamers

Recently, I have fallen back in love with Battlefield 3. It's a great game primarily because you have to work as a team and there's not as much trash talking as its competitors... or so I thought.

Last night my team was being smashed by a few helicopters at our spawn point. As soon as we would pop up we would be cut down in a hail of mini-gun fire. To counter this I told my team we should all equip lock on anti air missiles because they wouldn't be able to dodge all of them. My plan worked and we managed to get out of our spawn point, still loosing the game.

So I'm a pretty chilled out gamer and even though their camping was annoying, we graciously accepted the loss and looked forward to the next round. As the new round was loading, my PS3 inbox was bombarded with around 10-15 messages like this one...

What a charming gentleman...

We were being abused for using a legitimate weapon to stop our annihilation. The most annoying part was after 15 or so minutes of them breaking the server rules (no spawn camping) we, abiding by all rules, simply used an anti-air rocket on an aircraft. Not once during this time did we abuse or insult the other team.

Even though I don't usually care what others think, I left the server and turned the game off. These "Scumbag Gamers" really ruined my online experience. Even after I left the game the abuse continued.

To address this, I decided to be the better man and say "Do you think your language and behavior are very acceptable right now?" One of the gamers backed down after that, and in his own round-about way, apologized. The other decided that he would take the time to inform me of how much I suck and used colorful language that I can't post here. I decided to lodge a complaint to Sony about the abuse even though I didn't think anything would come of it. The result? The player who abused me the most has disappeared of Playstation Network, I assume his account was banned and his level 100 star Colonel along with it.

So I want to know Gamers, have you been abused for simply playing a game? Let us know your story on our Facebook page.

Until next time Soldiers,

-Sarge out!

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