Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Nerd Vs Wild - Saying goodbye (A 2 hour activity)

1.      Saying goodbye (A two hour activity)

It was time for our adventure to move on from Sydney. We decided we were going to head to Kiama which was about 3 hours south of Sydney. We visited Doreen and Reg the General to say thanks for the advice and wish them well. A few of the other Nomads caught onto the fact we were leaving and a small group gathered at our caravan. There were a lot of well wishers, advice givers, and worst of all, backyard experts. You know the type… someone with no actual qualification in the field they are advising you on but they decide they are an expert anyways. I guess we shouldn't complain, any advice at this stage was good advice and since I could barely put the caravan up without a disaster of Hindenburg type proportions, I should probably listen.

Most people hate goodbyes because they are sad. I hate goodbyes because we were packed and ready at 8 but didn't leave St Ives until 10. Saying goodbye with the Nomads was a little sad but it was also a time consuming activity. We secretly hoped we would run into them somewhere further on our trip, but realistically that was like finding a needle in a haystack. We wished everyone well and with Ruby drooling down the side of the car, we decided to drive through the North Shore and terrorize the locals once more.

Next time on Nerd VS Wild, how can one white lie snowball so bad? Find out Tomorrow!

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