For starters the game has made the huge jump from 2D sprites to 3D graphics and introduces a new generation of Pokemon (Mixed in with old favorites of course!) The game takes place in a new region based on Europe known as the Kalos Region. Players can not only choose to play as male or female but can now customize their appearance too, making Pokemon a bit more personal.
More new features to increase the depth of the Pokemon games include a mega training option and Poke amis (Poke Friend) which allow you to participate in mini games to boost stats (similar to EV training) and also interact with your Pokemon by petting them and playing games which increase your Pokemons friendliness towards you.

Remember walking through Mt Moon and running into a horde of Zubat? Well now you can actually have Horde encounters, forcing you to battle multiple enemies at once! This will be a great way to boost your Pokemons XP and trust all in one go.
Finally the best thing about X and Y is it will be globally connected thanks to the 3DS online service and a worldwide simultaneous launch! This means you can battle online and be assured that you won't get smashed by someone who's had the game for 6 months.
At the time of writing, Pokemon X and Y is only a month and a half away. Nintendo and Gamefreak have added so many things that were lacking in the previous titles. It seems that when this launches, the world will go Pokemon crazy once again! It's not a question of whether you want this game, or even which version to buy... The real question you need to ask yourself is "Do you want to be the very best? Like no one ever was?"
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